
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New Moon & Autumn Equinox

The Cosmic Story: Virgo New Moon 2020 The Wheel of the Year: Mabon/ Autumn Equinox Helping the Dawn Appear Hafiz Strange the way my shadow began to fall. I was standing in a field helping the dawn appear, and when its body, the sun, was fully lifted into the sky I was amazed to see my shadow in front of me as I faced that luminous candle we all know. I turned around in amazement, wondering what could possibly be there; it was the soul, our soul helping God to find new horizons. Strange to some, but not love evolved, no longer any shadow . . . I now cast. ( A Year of Hafiz) Hafiz got it right – for this time, for this moment of our personal dawn . It’s time to see and recognize our soul s . It’s time to step outside our society’s materialistic paradigm to bring in the new dawn – so when we do, we can recognize and embrace our soul and its mysterious purpose. Perhaps all along, our purpose is to be fully present in this moment and ...

The Cosmic Story: Mars Goes Retrograde Today, September 9, 2020

  The Cosmic Story: Mars Retrograde in Aries, September 9 to November 13, 2020   Mars Well, today is the day astrologers have been talking about all year – Mars goes retrograde in it’s own sign of Aries today at 3:22pm PDT/ 6:22pm EST/ 11:22pm GMT. Why all the talk? Mars in Aries can be feisty, war-like and aggressive and for Mars to stay in this sign for 6 months instead of its usual 6 weeks might be cause for alarm. But planetary retrogrades are also a time when we get to go over and review how we’ve used that energy before and come up with plans on how to change things. So it’s also the time when we can regenerate our masculine energy and hone our will to find our purpose in these chaotic and transformative times. Mars’ energy is Yang energy – the energy of doing, of action. Mars is our will, our drive, our energy in action, our passion and desire and also our life’s purpose. Mars symbolizes men and the masculine principle which operates in al...