The Cosmic Story: Virgo New Moon & Autumn Equinox
The Cosmic Story: Virgo New Moon 2020 The Wheel of the Year: Mabon/ Autumn Equinox Helping the Dawn Appear Hafiz Strange the way my shadow began to fall. I was standing in a field helping the dawn appear, and when its body, the sun, was fully lifted into the sky I was amazed to see my shadow in front of me as I faced that luminous candle we all know. I turned around in amazement, wondering what could possibly be there; it was the soul, our soul helping God to find new horizons. Strange to some, but not love evolved, no longer any shadow . . . I now cast. ( A Year of Hafiz) Hafiz got it right – for this time, for this moment of our personal dawn . It’s time to see and recognize our soul s . It’s time to step outside our society’s materialistic paradigm to bring in the new dawn – so when we do, we can recognize and embrace our soul and its mysterious purpose. Perhaps all along, our purpose is to be fully present in this moment and ...