
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Cosmic Story: Pisces/Virgo Full Moon, September 1-2, 2020

The Cosmic Story: Pisces/Virgo Full Moon 2020 This week’s Pisces/Virgo Full Moon began with the Leo New Moon on August 18 th , the 100 th anniversary of the passing of the 19 th amendment that gave women the right to vote. While that New Moon in Leo offered us a chance to become the best version of ourselves, this Pisces/Virgo Full Moon offers us a chance to be of service to the world. I just watched RBG, the documentary about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Badar Ginsberg and her heroic work of making gender equality the law of the land. Ruth Bader Ginsburg played an important role in helping women assume positions of power in the United States. Don’t miss this chance to watch this documentary to see how she helped dismantle the patriarchal bias in the United States (which still isn’t entirely gone).     Justice Ginsberg is a Pisces with a Scorpio Moon and while we do not know her birth time, she has Mars, Neptune, her South Node and Jupiter in Virgo. So ...

The Cosmic Story: Leo New Moon 2020

The Cosmic Story: Leo New Moon 2020    Peter Bruegel the Elder ~ The Corn Harvest Lammas, both season and fire festival of First Harvest, is well underway. We find ourselves here in late summer harvesting our gardens, gathering in their bounty now that they’ve grown into their design and purpose – sustenance for our bodies, beauty for our eyes. Like the seeds and flowers that grew into our vegetables and fruits this year, the seeds of our previous conscious development slept within us, waiting for the new year to open and grow and create another year’s story. The year 2020 has developed into quite an unexpected story. From a spiritual point of view, it has become a story of a collective human initiation, a time when we are forced to face death and evolve, to transform ourselves and our expectations of how we live life personally and as a society. We won’t know if we’ve passed the initiation until we come out on the other side. There is no doubt that ...