The Cosmic Story: Pisces/Virgo Full Moon, September 1-2, 2020

The Cosmic Story: Pisces/Virgo Full Moon 2020

This week’s Pisces/Virgo Full Moon began with the Leo New Moon on August 18th, the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment that gave women the right to vote. While that New Moon in Leo offered us a chance to become the best version of ourselves, this Pisces/Virgo Full Moon offers us a chance to be of service to the world.

I just watched RBG, the documentary about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Badar Ginsberg and her heroic work of making gender equality the law of the land. Ruth Bader Ginsburg played an important role in helping women assume positions of power in the United States. Don’t miss this chance to watch this documentary to see how she helped dismantle the patriarchal bias in the United States (which still isn’t entirely gone).



Justice Ginsberg is a Pisces with a Scorpio Moon and while we do not know her birth time, she has Mars, Neptune, her South Node and Jupiter in Virgo. So she’s a great example of how this Pisces/Virgo Full Moon delivers on that spirit of service to the collective. Her Pisces Sun and Venus give her a connection to the compassion and care for those who have been rejected and outcast (Pisces as the sign of the collective unconscious – those things that are ignored or rejected in collective consciousness). While those three Virgo planets, including both rulers of her Pisces Sun, support her ability to do the meticulous research and attention to detail that is needed in her work. She has been a warrior for the disenfranchised and is still fighting the good fight despite her bouts with cancer.

Justice Ginsberg is a brilliant role model for those of us who strive to fight for equality and justice for all. In many ways, she is an Athena woman, a woman of strategy and masculine wisdom. With the asteroid Pallas Athena slowing down to return to direct motion days after this Full Moon, Ruth Badar Ginsberg is certainly an iconic figure to emulate as we go forward into the end of this unique year of 2020.

Pisces/Virgo Full Moon 2020

The Pisces Full Moon occurs on Tuesday September 1st at 9:22pm AKDT (Alaska time) and 10:22pm PDT and on Wednesday September 2nd at 1:22am EDT and 6:22am GMT.



The Sabian symbol for the Sun at 11* Virgo is: A boy molded in his mother’s aspirations for him. Here we are cautioned not to get lost in our parents’ expectations of who we should be. Or for that matter, who our society expects us to be. As the mother of 3 sons, I tried to give them a sense of freedom about who they could become rather than project my unlived life onto them – expect for my desire to travel, which they all embraced to the fullest! The best molding any parent can give to their children is to give them a sense of values and help them develop their character, but beyond that, we have to leave them to their own soul’s work.

The Sabian symbol for the Moon at 11* Pisces is: Men traveling a narrow path, seeking illumination. We’ve often heard that the path of consciousness is narrow and hard, but it’s the only way to seek enlightenment. This is the time for all of us to walk our talk and bring whatever enlightenment we’ve discovered into the world.

The Pisces Moon is widely conjunct both Neptune and Ceres, adding imagination and abundant nurturing to its call for illumination, while the Virgo Sun is widely conjunct Mercury, helping with the planning aspect of getting our dreams to manifest.

Virgo is a mutable Earth sign, a place where we can make things grow and change, since it’s also the sign of the harvest. How have we grown this year of unforeseen change? What will we harvest? As you’ll see below, this Virgo Sun is connected with the other two Earth signs, Taurus and Capricorn, bringing the Earth’s magic into focus. Perhaps we need to speak with the Earth Devas to discover what we can do for them.

Pisces is a mutable water sign, mixing the waters of all our souls to fertilize the Earth. This psychic, imaginative, compassionate Full Moon can open us to the deepest layers of our spirit. Look for answers within for the outer issues in your life.

This Virgo/Pisces axis calls us to service and to self-improvement, by uniting body, soul and spirit. Virgo wants us to integrate all of ourselves so that we can live our purpose, while Pisces opens us to the suffering and joys of everyone we share this beautiful planet with. Pisces connects us to the World Soul while Virgo recognizes what our part in that whole is. This Full Moon is our call to action – how will we work to bring about the changes our world needs to survive and thrive in these transformative times?

First we need to let go of all those things, people and expectations that are no longer viable in our lives and trust that whatever we let go of will come back to us three-fold if it’s necessary to the new life we’re creating out of the chaos of the old. Then we have to stay flexible and open to what comes so that we can make new decisions as we meet these new challenges.

There are quite a few interesting aspects that support this Full Moon.

The Virgo Sun forms a grand Trine with Uranus retrograde in Taurus and Pallas stationing in Capricorn, while the Pisces Moon sextiles both. These are great energies to help us manifest things if we work with them. Uranus inspires us to meet these challenging times with new ideas and innovative ways to recreate our life’s goals. Pallas gives us the strategic intelligence to figure out what’s wrong with our society. It’s time for us to embrace these strategic innovations to make things work now that people are going back to school and to work as we move into Autumn.

The Sabian symbol for Pallas stationing direct at 13* Capricorn is: A fire worshiper meditates on the ultimate realities of existence. What better image then the fire of inspiration and creation for this archetypal energy of strategic plans to actually implement these new changes based on the cosmic laws of life.

So dream big (Moon/Neptune) dream smart (Pallas/Uranus) and dream true (Sun) for who you are and what your purpose is. The most intense renovation of our lives is coming this Fall so we can begin to reconstruct our world in 2021.

Mars in Aries is slowing down to turn retrograde on September 9th at 29* Aries: The Music of the Spheres. This image speaks to the ability to harmonize all the energies within yourself so that you stay centered within despite what is going on in the outer world. In fact, the more centered you are in this heavenly music (which can also refer to the planets in your birth chart), the easier time you’ll have dealing with outer issues. Keep this image in your hearts as we go through the Mars retrograde, which will be challenging the Capricorn planets again as it retrogrades. Mars retrograde can be frustrating but also energizing, as we grapple with the obstacles that bar our way to our new life. Don’t go to war over things – confront them and make your stand but be a peaceful warrior and see what happens.

Mars is part of a Cardinal Grand Cross opposite Juno in Libra, both squaring Venus in Cancer opposite the 3 Amigos in Capricorn, especially Saturn, so the tension you’ve been feeling all week wants to move you to a new level of action. Mars opposite Juno, the asteroid of relationship in the sign of relationship, challenges you to embrace the Other, to open yourself to different opinions and listen for what is needed. Venus in Cancer challenges especially Saturn in Capricorn to listen to the needs of the heart in making political and economic decisions. Together, these planets want to work on forming that more perfect union that is at the heart of our American democracy.

There is also a Mutable Grand Cross in the skies between Mercury in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces squaring the Lunar Nodes in Gemini/Sagittarius. The Gemini North Node asks the Sagittarius South Node to stop thinking it alone knows the TRUTH. It’s time to stay open to the opposite side of the argument and find new truths out of this open discussion of possibilities. Mercury and Neptune squaring the Nodes challenge us to dream big, beyond our rational options, because Spirit is available to us through our intuition and dreaming.

There’s also a rare configuration called a Mystical Rectangle made up of two sextiles, two trines and two oppositions. Dane Rudhyar called it an aspect of practical mysticism, involving the awareness that comes from the oppositions, while manifesting what we need creatively (trines) through the innovative use (sextiles) of these energies. The energies involved in this mystical rectangle are Neptune in Pisces opposite Mercury in Virgo and Venus in Cancer opposite Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter in Capricorn. While Venus confronts the Capricorn Amigos about the need to nurture and protect the people and the planet, Neptune and Mercury offer us ways to do it. If we work with these planets consciously, especially the oppositions, we can grow and change in productive ways.

And don’t forget that while Mars goes retrograde on September 9th Jupiter is slowing down to turn direct on September 12th. Be ready to incorporate all you’ve learned this year that supports your intention to change how you engage in the world.

So go out and meditate on this Full Moon of dreams and possibilities and imagine what you’re going to harvest this year. Make sure to harvest those talents and energies that will best serve you and the collective.

Merry meet, merry part and merry meet again!




I would love to live

Like a river flows,

Carried by the surprise

Of its own unfolding.

~ John O'Donohue~

(Conamara Blues)


  1. Thank you Cathy for two things especially: first for giving us the full moon time in Alaska (I could always figure it out, but it was lovely to see that time listed). Second is your enlightening (for me) description of the Virgo/Pisces axis. I have Virgo to Pisces South/North nodes and I've never connected it the way you described. A deeper, and clearer understanding for me. Thank you. Blessings. Teri


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